Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sew a Zippered Pouch

Here's another sewing project for you to try! I created a zippered pouch that has almost entirely hidden seams so there's no reason to be afraid to give it a try. Don't worry if you haven't had a lot of sewing experience. The best way to learn is to try!

What you'll need:
  • 2 pieces of outer fabric, I used 100% cotton, 8" wide by 6" tall (for a final pouch size of 7" x 5"), ironed
  • 2 pieces of coordinating inside liner fabric, same dimensions as above, ironed
  • 2 pieces of your liner fabric at 2" x 2"
  • 2 pieces fusible interfacing, which can be purchased by the yard at craft stores. I got a yard from Hobby Lobby for $2.99. Fusible interfacing adheres to the fabric by heat, instead of being sewn in. I cut my interfacing to 7.5" by 5.5". You can do some research if you have more questions about it!
  • A 7" polyester zipper of coordinating color to your fabric choice. In my experience, polyester zippers always work better than invisible ones.
  • Thread you don't mind being visible for two small parts
  • Mod Podge and glitter + paint brush (optional)
  • Sewing machine + basic sewing tools; ruler, pencil, fabric scissors
  • Iron and ironing board 

Step 1

It's easier to tell in the second picture that the interfacing is the white rectangle in the center.

Iron your fusible interfacing to your outer fabric. Because it is smaller, place it in the center of your fabric. You'll especially want the top of your main fabric to not have interfacing adhered. Make sure the bumpy adhesive side faces down. Depending on the thickness of your main fabric, you may have to flip it over and iron from the front. Thinner fabrics may wrinkle as the glue adheres to them.

Step 2 (optional)

My second step in this process was to use Mod Podge and glitter to fancy up my fabric a little bit! You don't have to do this step if you don't want to. I just wanted some sparkle on my pouch.

Step 3

 Next, grab your two 2"x2" coordinating fabric pieces. We're going to start the zipper!

Each piece is for one side of the zipper. Take a piece and fold it over 0.5" and pin it to the zipper, just inside the zipper end pieces. Make sure your right side of the fabric is up!

Sew those pieces on and don't forget to backstitch! This is the only part of the project where your thread will be visible. Luckily it's a small space to stitch.

Step 4

I don't have an exact picture of this step so I'm borrowing it from another step.

This is going to be tricky to explain, but I'll do it the best I can. Lay your zipper down and take your main fabric, laying it wrong side up with the top of the fabric (if it has a certain direction) at the side of the zipper away from you. It's pictured above, and notice that the entire zipper is covered. Clip it on (don't pin it just yet), and if you want to test that you have it right, just flip it up and see if it looks the way you want it to when you're finished, as pictured below.

I wanted the triangles to be going upwards towards the zipper, and that is the direction they are facing so my fabric is clipped on correctly!

Once you have that determined correctly, turn the clipped pieces over so once again the zipper is exposed, but it's the underside. Lay your coordinating fabric, right side down, on top of this so that the top is again at the side of the zipper farthest from you. Now the zipper is entirely sandwiched between your fabric.

Pin the three pieces together.

Sew with a 0.25" seam. For me, that is the edge of my presser foot. As you go, you are probably going to have to move the zipper head. To do this, leave the needle in your piece mid-stitch. Lift up the presser foot and slide the zipper head out of the way, into where you've already sewn so you don't have to move it again. Then reset the fabric, lower the presser foot, and continue on your way.

After you have finished this seam, fold your front and liner fabrics back to expose the zipper. Lay the zipper down with the unsewn side facing away from you and follow the same steps to do the other side. Main fabric, right side down, top matching up with the unsewn zipper side. Clip and flip over, lay liner fabric with right side down, top at the unsewn side, pin, and sew.

Fold your other fabric back so the zipper is exposed again. Ideally, your fabrics would match up from side to side. Sometimes they don't, and that's okay.

The liner, all sewn in!

Step 5

We're almost done!

Fold your fabric together so that the zipper is at the top, with your liner fabric facing outwards. Your fabric edges aren't going to match up exactly, but it's important that your zipper is bent right down the middle. Unzip your zipper about halfway now, or you'll regret it later (because I did!).

Pin your fabric together so that the zipper stays exactly bent. Trim off overhang so that you have even edges, but don't trim off too much. Try to keep your edges as straight as you can.

Find the first seam you made, sewing the coordinating fabric on top of the zipper. Measure 0.5" away from that, to the outside, and that is the seam you will sew around the fabric pieces. Make sure to backstitch!

After that seam is complete, trim down the excess fabric so that way you don't have a lot hanging out in your pouch when you turn it right-side out.

Step 6

Turn your pouch inside out, and poke out the corners. Look at what you made!

Thanks for reading! I know this tutorial was a bit trickier, so please don't hesitate to ask questions in the comments!


  1. This would be a great project for gift giving in the upcoming holiday season when the gift list is so long. It is also a great way to use smaller pieces of fabric left over from other projects. Thanks for the step by step!

    1. Hi Dawn, thanks for the feedback! It really will be a good gift for the holidays.

  2. This is awesome! I am a beginner sewer, so I appreciate simple crafts to get me started and familiar with my machine. Is there a specific fabric I should use?

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for asking that! 100% cotton is what I used, and is the easiest to sew. Stay away from knits, but you could try a canvas fabric and then you might not need interfacing.

  3. Another neat idea! These would be a cute gift and fun to personalize with a specific print or pattern for a special person.

    1. Thanks KC! If you make one, don't hesitate to send me a picture!
