Thursday, October 9, 2014

DIY: Labels for Travel Bottles

Hello, travelers! I want to share with you a neat craft that involves reusing those little hand sanitizer bottles that we all have from Bath and Body Works. They are great for holding all kinds of things, and I use mine especially for my facewash and toner when I travel home and elsewhere.

To help keep everything straight, I made my own labels. Follow along to make your own!

This project requires low time and very few materials! 
  • Empty hand sanitizer bottle
  • Mod Podge (whichever you prefer, I used glossy but you can use matte)
  • A brush to apply the Mod Podge with
  • An x-acto knife (or scissors) and a healing mat to cut on

Step 1: Wash out your bottle and peel the label off. Luckily it comes off very cleanly.

Step 2: Save this image and use it as the template for your design. You can upload it in to Photoshop or Illustrator and just design over it. If you want to make sure that it is the right size, the height of the label when measured up the middle should be 1.75". Once your design is done, print it out!

I made a variety of designs for my facewash bottle, but the third one is the one I liked the most!

Step 3: Use your x-acto knife and self-healing mat and cut around your label. Then brush some Mod Podge onto the back of it and adhere it to the bottle. Brush a couple of coats of Mod Podge on top of the label to help seal it so water can't ruin it. Once it dries, you're done!

How neat is that?!


  1. great post. this looks quick and easy as well as really helpful; i'll be doing this for sure!

  2. I think this is a neat way to recycle those bottles!
